Friday 6 May 2016

Spot Blood in any of these Body Fluids

Blood in your urine or in your poop cannot always be a red flag; however, it is important to get it checked if this problem seems to be reoccurring. Sometimes, there is an infection or harmful bacteria in the body that could lead to emitting of the blood in these body fluids.

According to experts, a little blood in the urine can determine signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), or it could also be due to a bladder infection and it can be accompanied with high fever and pain.

On the other hand, blood in stools can be a sign of Diverticular disease, which needs to be diagnosed at the earliest. Blood seen in these body fluids need to be checked to ward off the signs of cancer and other types of diseases.

Sometimes, due to the increase in temperature outside and lack of water or dehydration, you may witness a little blood in these body fluids. So, take a look at what you need to do if you spot a trickle of blood in any of these fluids.

Blood In Urine 

Are you seeing spots of blood in your urine while you pee? Are you also witnessing a burning sensation while you urinate? If yes, it is a sign that you are suffering from a urinary tract infection. If this is accompanied with high fever and pain in the lower back, it is a sign of a kidney disease. It is advisable to seek medical attention and start up on antibiotics.

Blood In Vomit

Throwing up blood while vomiting can look alarming. According to health experts, you could have life-threatening bleeding in the stomach or oesophagus. The other possible reasons for puking blood is due to stomach cancer, peptic ulcers that are painful sores formed in the lining of the stomach, cirrhosis, which is due to the improper functioning of the liver due to harmful side effects of toxins mainly alcohol, etc.

Blood In Breast Milk 

Spotting blood in breast milk is something you should not ignore, as your baby can consume the contaminated blood and this might lead to a stomach infection. As soon as you spot blood in the milk, take a look at the nipples. Sometimes, the nipples crack and bleed. Apply coconut oil on the affected area to heal or visit your doctor to get a cream prescribed.

Blood In Poop 

A bright-red splash in the bowel could signal a hemorrhoid problem that is treatable. But, if you witness spots of blood in the stool itself, it is best to get a stool test done, as it is one of the signs of cancer.

Blood In Snot

Little spots of blood coming through your nose indicate a cold, dry air, or trauma that usually injures the nasal lining of the nose. However, if you suffer from a bleeding nose, especially in summer, it only means that your body is producing a lot of heat, so gear up by drinking plenty of fluids.

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