Wednesday 25 May 2016

Home Remedies for Indigestion

Also called as dyspepsia, indigestion can be quite a troublesome medical condition. Indigestion usually occurs when an issue crops up with the regular secretion of stomach acids (aka digestive juices) in the stomach. And most of the times, this happens due to an improper diet or unhealthy eating habits. Indigestion needs to be taken care of promptly in order to avoid much more serious conditions in the future. And the exact cause of the condition would have to be known in order to follow the right treatment. Given below are some of the common causes and symptoms of indigestion, along with a few essential home remedies that can help treat the condition effectively.

Causes for Indigestion 

Indigestion can be caused by any condition that disturbs the normal secretion of the stomach acids. As such, some of the common causes for indigestion include overeating, eating quickly without chewing the food properly, eating fatty, fried, greasy, oily and spicy foods, smoking, alcohol consumption, excess intake of caffeinated products, anxiety, constipation, stomach ulcer, gastritis, intestinal blockage, gallstones, celiac disease, pancreatitis, peptic ulcers and intestinal ischemia etc.
Symptoms of Indigestion

Indigestion can cause quite a few bothersome symptoms and side effects in individuals. These include bloating, burning sensation in the stomach and abdominal regions, excess gas formation, abdominal pain, early fullness during meals, nausea, vomiting and belching etc.

Home Remedies for Indigestion

Indigestion can be easily treated with the help of certain home remedies, the more common of which, are given below.


Drinking cinnamon tea daily can take care of indigestion and its symptoms like gas formation and bloating. Add cinnamon powder (1/2 teaspoon) to water (1 cup) and boil the mixture nicely for about 15 minutes. Let the mixture cool down to room temperature. Strain it and drink it to get instant relief from the pain, discomfort and burning sensation caused by indigestion.

Baking Soda

Excess stomach acids in the digestive tract can cause indigestion. Baking soda would neutralize the stomach acids and reduce the gas, cramps and bloating caused by indigestion. Add baking soda (1 teaspoon) to lukewarm water (1 glass) and stir nicely till the baking soda dissolves completely. Drink this solution to get instant relief from indigestion and its symptoms. 


Chewing on some raw ginger slices after meals can get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of fullness nausea. It can also effectively cure the stomach ache, bloating, gas and cramps caused by indigestion as well. Peel a piece of ginger and place it in between your teeth at the back of your mouth. Bite down hard on the ginger piece and suck on its juice slowly. Doing so would provide immense relief from indigestion. Alternatively, grind some ginger pieces and add the resultant paste to hot water (1 cup). Let the mixture steep for 5 minutes or so. Strain the concoction and drink it to get rid of indigestion quickly.


Low levels of stomach acids in the digestive tract can also cause indigestion (there would not be enough acid to digest the food that is consumed). Orange contains ascorbic acid and citric acids, both of which would increase the levels of the stomach acids in the stomach, thereby quickening the digestion process and treating indigestion in addition to preventing recurrences. Note: Pineapple also works well for indigestion, and can be used as a substitute for orange.


Apple contains high amounts of fiber that can improve the digestion process and effectively clear out intestinal blockages. This would in turn, prompt the smooth flow of food through the digestive tract, thereby treating indigestion and its symptoms very quickly. Eat an apple after meals every day for the same purpose. Note: Try eating the apple with the peel, for the peel is a rich source of fiber.

Grapefruit Peel

The peel of a grapefruit is enriched with nutrients that can stimulate the production of digestive acids in the stomach and promote the smooth flow of food through the digestive tract. Peel a grapefruit and grind the peel to form a coarse powder.
Sundry this powder for about an hour or so. Store the powder in a bottle and consume a teaspoon of it whenever you suffer from indigestion. The powder would start working almost immediately, and would offer prompt relief from indigestion and its symptoms like stomach ache and cramps etc.


Drinking a glass of lukewarm water whenever you feel indigestion setting in, would help get rid of the condition promptly. Water would dilute the excess stomach acids, thereby providing immense relief from the pain, burning sensation and bloating caused by indigestion. Opt to drink a glass of lukewarm water at regular intervals throughout the day. You can also add some ginger and lime juice (a few drops each) to the water along with honey (1 teaspoon) before drinking it.

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