Monday 7 September 2015

Signs You Have Toxins In Your Body

1. Fatigue : If you feel exhausted all the time then it can be one of the signs of toxins in body. The toxins in your system generally stress out your system and this might cause fatigue.

2. Fogginess : Some toxins also influence your state of mind and this is why you may feel clouded and confused when your system is filled with toxins.

3. Excess Weight Issues : If you have stubborn fat that isn't leaving your body in spite of your efforts then it
might also mean that you need to get rid of toxins.

4. Body Pains : Sometimes, you may feel exhausted and also experience severe body aches. Such unexplained pains are nothing but toxic build up in your body.

5. Sleeplessness : Yes, toxins can disturb your sleep too. If your stress levels aren't minimized in the night, you may not sleep well. And yes, toxins tend to stress you out.

6. Body Odor : Bad breath, smelly stools and urine can also mean toxic build-up in your system. Liver cleansing diet may help in such occasions.

7. Unstable Moods : Some synthetic compounds which are toxic on your system may interfere with your hormones and this may make you experience unstable moods.

8. Digestive Issues : Digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea may also disturb your system when you are filled with toxins.

9. Headaches : Toxic overload can also result in painful headaches without any other reason. In fact, some types of food preservatives may also cause similar headaches due to the toxic content in them.

10. Skin Issues : Sometimes, when your body fails to eliminate toxins properly, you may suffer skin issues like rashes or acne. This can be one sign of toxic build up. 

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