Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Benefits of Flax Seeds

Health Benefits of Alsi (Flaxseeds)

  • Flax seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, protein, potassium, magnesium, folate, soluble fiber and even boron.
  • Flaxseeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which help in reducing inflammation and hence, are very important for conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches and osteoporosis.

  • Flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fat, which is also found in fish oil. As such, flaxseed oil makes a great substitute for fish oil.

  • Omega-3 fats present in flaxseeds are very helpful in promoting bone health and reducing excessive bone turnover.

  • Omega-3 fats in flaxseeds reduce the formation of blood clots, thereby lowering the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases.

  • Omega-3 fats also help in maintaining flexible cell membranes, which further help the diabetic patients in responding better to insulin and absorption glucose effectively.

  • Flaxseeds help in preventing the colon cells from carcinogenic toxins and free radicals; hence, reducing the risk of contracting colon cancer.

  • Studies have proved that people who consume a diet including lots of omega-3 fats, like flaxseeds, tend have lower blood pressure than those who take less of these essential fats.

  • Regular consumption of flaxseeds helps in reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Researches have revealed that regular intake of flaxseeds stunts the prostrate tumor growth in men, thus inhibiting the risk of prostate cancer.

  • Flaxseeds have high levels of lignans and studies have proved that lignans may protect against estrogen-dependents cancers, like breast cancer.

  • Flaxseeds are also very helpful to post-menopausal women. They regulate the estrogen levels in post-menopausal women and protect them from heart diseases.

  • Increased dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids helps in effectively reducing the risk of dry eye syndrome.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Nutrition: The Future of Medicine

  Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell

I doubt that few would disagree with the observation that nutrition is one of the most confusing words or concepts in the English language. What we choose to eat also is one of the most emotionally intense topics of human discourse, ranking up there with sex, religion and politics. Yet, properly practiced nutrition, as a dietary lifestyle, can do more to create health and save health care costs than all the contemporary medical interventions put together.
I know well this story. Having started a research and teaching career in nutrition over 50 years ago, I have seen the passion, the frivolity and the arrogance over and over and over when people talk about their food choices. This topic is very, very personal. It's sad because I do not see very much progress over these last four to five decades. Lots of shouting and not much constructive thought.
It is true that we have discovered a tremendous amount of information but this does not mean discovering what it all means. Indeed, our focus on details has created an enormous pile of contradictory observations--permitting too many people to construct ideas that please their palates and wallets more than educate their brains.
I don't care to pass personal blame or pose conspiracies, for we are all participants in this great war of words of what nutrition really means. Nonetheless, somewhere there is an origin and it is fostered by our professions, my nutrition and medical research community and my clinical colleagues' medical practice community. This is not surprising. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is the most influential research funding agency in the world, is comprised of 27 institutes, centers and programs and not one is named the Institute of Nutrition. Research funding is a mere pittance in a couple of the institutes and most of this is dedicated to the study of individual nutrients that I consider pharmacology, not nutrition.
Further, there is not a single medical school in the country that teaches nutrition as a basic medical science. At best, a few may have an elective course that treats the subject in a most superficial manner.
Public citizens, therefore, are left to fend for themselves against the hyped up claims of the food and drug industries.
If we are to understand the true value of nutrition, we must begin by considering the health value of whole foods, not the nutrient parts extracted from them. In that context it is whole, plant-based foods that express an effect that is far more then the sum of its parts. When done right, advanced heart disease can be cured, type 2 diabetes stopped and reversed, cancer can be prevented and, with some newer evidence, controlled after it appears. The range of diseases that can be prevented is more than impressive. The breadth and rapidity of the nutritional effect not only prevents disease but actually treats many of these diseases while restoring and maintaining health. The totality of these health effects are far more than almost anyone knows.
It is terribly frustrating when I know these effects, I know the savings in health care costs that can be had and I know the personal responses that virtually everyone experiences when they try this for a week or so. I also know that, historically, we have been slaves to a nutrition-less health information system that, in effect, is designed to keep us in mental chains, thus to maintain the status quo.
But there is light at the end of this tunnel. Former President Clinton recently discovered and used this information and, much to his credit, told his truly impressive results on "CNN" to Wolf Blitzer.
I am not sure he knows how far reaching is his contribution. It is time for the rest of the public to get to know this as well. This information is on the right side of history! Mark my word.

Signs You Have Toxins In Your Body

1. Fatigue : If you feel exhausted all the time then it can be one of the signs of toxins in body. The toxins in your system generally stress out your system and this might cause fatigue.

2. Fogginess : Some toxins also influence your state of mind and this is why you may feel clouded and confused when your system is filled with toxins.

3. Excess Weight Issues : If you have stubborn fat that isn't leaving your body in spite of your efforts then it
might also mean that you need to get rid of toxins.

4. Body Pains : Sometimes, you may feel exhausted and also experience severe body aches. Such unexplained pains are nothing but toxic build up in your body.

5. Sleeplessness : Yes, toxins can disturb your sleep too. If your stress levels aren't minimized in the night, you may not sleep well. And yes, toxins tend to stress you out.

6. Body Odor : Bad breath, smelly stools and urine can also mean toxic build-up in your system. Liver cleansing diet may help in such occasions.

7. Unstable Moods : Some synthetic compounds which are toxic on your system may interfere with your hormones and this may make you experience unstable moods.

8. Digestive Issues : Digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea may also disturb your system when you are filled with toxins.

9. Headaches : Toxic overload can also result in painful headaches without any other reason. In fact, some types of food preservatives may also cause similar headaches due to the toxic content in them.

10. Skin Issues : Sometimes, when your body fails to eliminate toxins properly, you may suffer skin issues like rashes or acne. This can be one sign of toxic build up. 

Cancer Treatment (Ayurved)