Health Benefits of Alsi (Flaxseeds)
- Flax is the #1 whole-food source of lignans, a phytonutrient associated with prolonged survival in cancer patients (especially breast cancer), having 800x more than any other food. Flax may be beneficial in suppressing the growth of breast and prostate cancers because when consumed, tumor cell proliferation goes down, cancer cell death increases, and c-erbB2 score is reduced. Combining flaxseed with dietary fat restriction may have an even greater effect on prostate cancer. Taking only one tablespoon of ground flaxseed a day may help prevent and reverse diabetes. Eating flaxseeds may also diminish skin sensitivity and improve skin barrier function and condition. Because lignans are activated by out gut bacteria, taking antibiotic may impair the production of the lignans.
- Flax seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, protein, potassium, magnesium, folate, soluble fiber and even boron.
Flaxseeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which help in reducing inflammation and hence, are very important for conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches and osteoporosis.
Flaxseeds contain
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fat, which is also found in
fish oil. As such, flaxseed oil makes a great substitute for fish
Omega-3 fats present in flaxseeds are very helpful in promoting bone health and reducing excessive bone turnover.
Omega-3 fats in flaxseeds
reduce the formation of blood clots, thereby lowering the risk of
heart attack and other heart diseases.
Omega-3 fats also help in
maintaining flexible cell membranes, which further help the
diabetic patients in responding better to insulin and absorption
glucose effectively.
Flaxseeds help in preventing
the colon cells from carcinogenic toxins and free radicals; hence,
reducing the risk of contracting colon cancer.
Studies have proved that people
who consume a diet including lots of omega-3 fats, like flaxseeds,
tend have lower blood pressure than those who take less of these
essential fats.
Regular consumption of flaxseeds helps in reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
Researches have revealed that
regular intake of flaxseeds stunts the prostrate tumor growth in
men, thus inhibiting the risk of prostate cancer.
Flaxseeds have high levels of
lignans and studies have proved that lignans may protect against
estrogen-dependents cancers, like breast cancer.
Flaxseeds are also very helpful
to post-menopausal women. They regulate the estrogen levels in
post-menopausal women and protect them from heart diseases.
- Increased dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids helps in effectively reducing the risk of dry eye syndrome.